Sunday, September 28, 2008

Components Of A Love Compatibility Test Part 1

In this post,you will discover what are the components of a love compatibility test,and what you can do with the information to create the relationship you desire.

There are 3 parts to "Marco's Love Compatibility Test".I'm the only one doing this type of love compatibility test.It is a combination of chinese astrology,indian numerology and western astrology.

In these 3 parts,the chinese astrology plays the most important role,followed by the indian numerology and lastly,the western astrology.

Let's look at the chinese astrology component and how it works...

Using chinese astrology,you can determine where you are in a relationship.Are you the one in control?Or is your partner in control?When you are faced with many competitiors,how do your competitiors fare against you?

You can also use chinese astrology to determine the periods of ups and downs in your relationship.By knowing what activities to do and which favorable elements to increase,you can easily turn the tide in your favor.

Now,let me explain the mechanics of how chinese astrology works.You probably know about the 5 elements in Chinese Astrology.The effects of the 5 elements influence our luck cycle and also influences our relationships with people.

Here's an example...If you are born in Winter,you have a lot of Water and very little Fire in your 8 characters.Whenever you encounter years,months or luck pillars with Water,your luck cycle will be down.Only when you encounter periods(i.e. years,months or luck pillars) of Fire,then your luck cycle will be good.

On the other side of the coin,someone born in Summer has a lot of Fire.Fire is unfavorable while Water is favorable.You have the Water this person needs while he/she has the Fire you need.In this relationship,you can balance each other out.

However,when you are going through a Fire luck pillar,your relationship with this person will not be as close.Reason is because you already have the Fire you need in the luck pillar.Similarly,if he/she is going through a Water luck pillar,he/she will not be as close to you because the Water already exists in the luck pillar.

In short,people are together because one party has elements that the other party needs.When the balance of the elements is not there,they start splitting up.Look at some relationships in your life.Some of them last for 5 years,while others might last for 10 years.

The typical luck pillar lasts 5 years.In certain cases,the elements don't change for up to 30 years.The luck pillar is the most important part of your 8 characters.You may be born with unfavorable 8 characters.But your luck pillars can override your 8 characters and change unfavorable luck into good luck.

Coming back to the love compatibility test.So question is what type of partner should you look for,such that the relationship will be long term?I have a very simple method of doing it.Just go for someone born with the opposite element as you.Let me illustrate my point...

People are classified into 4 types...

1.The Spring people - Born 4th February to 5th May - Has plenty of Wood
2.The Summer people - Born 6th May to 7th August - Has plenty of Fire
3.The Autumn people - Born 8th August to 7th November - Has plenty of Metal
4.The Winter people - Born 8th November to 3rd February - Has plenty of Water

Getting back to the point of going for someone with the opposite element,let me give you an example of a couple.

Husband is born on 8th November,with plenty of Water.Wife is born on 23rd June,with plenty of Fire.They make a good match because one has the element that the other needs.Usually the element that you need is the opposite element.In this case,Fire and Water are opposing elements.

Metal and Wood are also opposing elements.Autumn people and Spring people are made for each other.

This is just a simple method of looking for a relationship that can last.Of course,there are also exceptional cases.It all depends on the exact 8 characters.This method is only 70% accurate.

In the next part,I will move on to the Indian Numerology component.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my montly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

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