Monday, October 13, 2008

Components Of A Love Compatibility Test Part 2

In this post,you will look at the next component of "Marco's Love Compatiblity Test".The purpose of this component is to see if your personalities match.Indian numerology has an accuracy rate of 80% when it comes to character analysis.

I have been a practitioner of Indian Numerology since 1998.It has never ceased to amaze me when it comes to character analysis and love compatibility.

Let me give you a little introduction on how this works...

In Indian Numerology,a person's character is influenced by the planets he/she is born under.There are 9 planets,each one of them is represented by a date.Let me list them out for you.

Number 1 - Sun - Born on 1st,10th,19th and 28th
Number 2 - Moon - Born on 2nd,11th,20th and 29th
Number 3 - Jupiter - Born on 3rd,12th,21st and 30th
Number 4 - Uranus - Born on 4th,13th,22nd and 31st
Number 5 - Mercury - Born on 5th,14th and 23rd
Number 6 - Venus - Born on 6th,15th and 24th
Number 7 - Neptune - Born on 7th,16th and 25th
Number 8 - Saturn - Born on 8th,17th and 26th
Number 9 - Mars - Born on 9th,18th and 27th

From the planets,you will be able to know how compatible you are with your lover.Some numbers clash while others are in affinity.

Let's look at a real life example.A number of years back,there was news on 2 Hong Kong singers,Daniel Chan and Cecilia Cheung being in a relationship.Many geomancers in Hong Kong said that these 2 were meant for each other.

I beg to differ.One look at their date of birth tells everything about how good the relationship is going to be.

Daniel Chan was born on 3rd September 1975.Cecilia Cheung was born on 24th May 1980.Daniel is under the influence of Jupiter while Cecilia is under the influence of Venus.Jupiter and Venus clash with each other.That's why I said this relationship won't last.

Indeed,after a few months,there was news of their breakup.Daniel Chan mentioned that their personalities did not match,which was exactly what I predicted.If you are born under the influence of Jupiter,never go for someone born under the influence of Venus.

It is ok as friends.But if you get too close,sparks will start to fly,and you will realise that you dislike each other.

Moon,Jupiter,Mercury and Neptune are in affinity with each other.
Venus and Saturn are a pair.
Uranus and Sun are a pair.
Mars and Mercury are a pair.

The 2 pairs of planets that clash are:Mars with Moon,and Jupiter with Venus.I would also advise against Jupiter pairing with Mars.

For more information on the characteristic of these planets,you might want to visit and download your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book".At the same time,you can also get a FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-Newsletter.

In the next component,you will look at using Western Astrology in love compatibility.When you combine everything,you will be able to choose the best love partner.

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