Thursday, August 28, 2008

How Can A Love Compatibility Test Help You In Finding Your Ideal Partner

In my previous posts,I kept mentioning about home feng shui.For a change,this post will be about love compatibility.You will learn how you can benefit from a love compatibility test.

Let's start first with the limitations about love compatibility tests.Doing a love compatibility can help you narrow down your choices,but it can't help you find your choices.You will still need to work on finding your choices.

About how to find your choices and how to maximise your romance luck,I will cover that another time.Meanwhile,I will just touch on love compatibility tests.

Many people do love compatibility tests just for the fun of it.Just to see if they are compatible with their current partner.These group of people are usually already in a relationship.For those whose relationship are working fine,it is mostly for entertainment purposes.

The others,who are facing problems in the relationship will be taking it more seriously.However,most love compatibility tests are for entertainment purposes.They are very general,not personalised.This explains why the accuracy rate is not that high.

In my personal opinion,people who should do compatibility tests are those under these circumstances:

1.You are single and presented with a few choices.You want to know which is the best choice for you,and will the relationship be long term or short term.

2.You are interested in someone who may already be in a relationship.You want to know whether you still have a chance.That is,you want to know where you stand.If you target is not really compatible with his/her current partner,you might want to keep a lookout for a chance,so that you will be able to act fast.

In the first circumstance,you need to know which is your best choice,so that you are able to invest your time,effort and other resources in the right person.Some clients told me that they made wrong choices.

They invested a lot of resources and the relationship didn't work out.If that has ever happened to you,I understand how you feel.End of the day,despite putting in a lot of effort and resources,they still end up in heartbreak.

Hey,it is very unfair.I know it as I have been through it.There are a lot of cases where your potential target is making use of you.With the compatibility test,you will be able to "see through" this person.And at the same time,you can tell how long will the relationship last.

You will also able to know whether you will be fighting an uphill battle,should you try to go for this target.This will tell you whether you are in an advantageous or disadvantageous situation.You can then decide whether to let go and change target or to continue.

Circumstance two,you are interested in someone who is already attached.Hmm...ok,maybe you don't want to be the 3rd party.You feel that it is wrong to snatch away someone's lover.And if you are the 3rd party,you are always feeling second best.

However,you like the other party target so much that you are willing to be the 3rd party for the sake of him/her.But then,on the other hand,sometimes you wonder if it is worth the effort.Will the day really come when you don't have to be the 3rd party?

Now,the love compatibility test will tell you whether you have a stronger position or your competitior has a stronger position.From here,you will know how high are your chances.If your competitior has a stronger position,you should just give up and move on.

OK,at the beginning,when you discover that your target is already attached,you may feel disappointed.But think about this,what if your target is very unhappy in the current relationship?Of course,I'm not saying that it will happen all the time.

But what if it happens?What if you give up,then after sometime,you target ends his/her current relationship and someone else comes into the picture?I'm sure that will make you feel devastated right?

You want to find out where you stand,then come up with a battle plan and go for it.

I missed out the 3rd circumstance.In the 3rd circumstance,your target has a lot of potential suitors.In other words,you face a lot of competition.Besides telling you where you stand,the love compatibility test can also reveal information about your target that your competitiors don't know.

You will be able to gain an edge over them.Information like what kind of things he/she likes.What kind of personality he/she has.What are his/her weaknesses.How to handle him/her so that you can easily build rapport.

Of course,if you know information about your competitiors,it is even better for you.You will be able to work the situation to your advantage.

I understand that some people may not agree with what I say.But think about this,we all exist in this world to be happy.If you can't be happy,then it is pointless to live.People who supress their disappointments and sadness will feel worse when one day,all these negative emotions come back and haunt them.It will stop their progress.

Now,speaking in the situation which your target is already in a relationship.If he/she is already happy,you really shouldn't try to mess up their current relationship.That would be mean.The only time you should compete is if he/she is unhappy in the current relationship.

If you are looking for guidance in picking the correct partner,or if you already decided on the right one,a personalised love compatible test may be a worthwhile investment for you.

In the next post,I will touch on the components of a love compatibility test.How can you use the information in the test to enhance your relationship.

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