Rachel was born on 3rd September 1971,between midnight to 0059. Her birth chart is as follows:
Year Pillar: Metal Pig (Water)
Month Pillar: Fire Monkey (Metal)
Day Pillar: Metal Rabbit (Wood)
Hour Pillar: Earth Rat (Water)
Rachel was born on a Metal day in a Metal month, her personal element is considered strong therefore her favorable elements are those which weaken Metal. In this case, Fire, Wood and Water are her favorable elements while Metal and Earth are unfavorable to her.
2009 was a double Earth year which was unfavorable to Rachel, she lost her job that year. Before we proceed to the area of romance, let's see if Rachel's luck cycle will improve these two years. 2011 is Metal Rabbit year, the Metal is Yin Metal, which combines with the Yang Fire in her Month Pillar to form Water. Rabbit represents Wood. Both Water and Wood are favorable to her, therefore 2011 is a good year for Rachel.
How about 2012? 2012 is the Water Dragon year. Although Dragon is Earth, which is supposed to be unfavorable to her, however, Dragon combines with Monkey (Month Pillar) and Rat (Hour Pillar) to form Water. 2012 is a year full of the Water element for Rachel. Since Water is her favorable element, she can look forward to a smooth sailing year.
Now, let's come to the area of romance. Rachel did mention that she had been through many relationships, but none lasted. From her birth chart, since she was born on a Metal day, Fire represents her Husband element. There is only one Fire element in her birth chart, how did she manage to go through so many relationships?
First of all, we can see that the Fire element in her chart is very weak, as it combines with both Metal elements on its left and right to form Water. The single weak Fire element is as good as non-existent. This signifies her husband being snatched away by a competitor in love. But if it is the case, where did the many relationships come from?
Looking closely at her chart, we can see several combinations. Firstly, Pig and Rabbit combine to form Wood. Rat and Monkey combine to form Water. The other two combinations are among the two Metal elements and the lone Fire element. The last is a hidden combination between Monkey (Month Pillar) and Rabbit (Day Pillar), which adds up to five combinations in total.
The reason for so many relationships is because of the many combinations. As long as we see many combinations in a person's birth chart, we can conclude that he or she is very sociable, and that it signifies plenty of romantic relationships or encounters.
Although Rachel had many boyfriends, none of her relationships lasted because her Husband element, Fire is very weak. Besides being weak, the lone Fire is being surrounded by very strong Water. This is why Rachel is unable to settle down with the right man.
From 1993 to 2002, Rachel went through the Earth Pig pillar. Earth weakens the effect of the strong Water in her chart, while Pig combines with Rabbit in her chart to form Wood, which in turn strengthens Fire. During those ten years, men pursued Rachel like bees went after honey. She had all sorts of boyfriends, tall ones, short ones, rich ones, poor ones, handsome ones and ugly one, but no ended up with none.
Till this day, Rachel is still unmarried and has no boyfriend, only a daughter. I wish her all the best in her life.
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