At long last,Starlite Inc is launching on 25th October 2008,0900 hrs (GMT +8hrs).Finally,I am able to realise my dream of building a company with the vision of helping mankind to create their own good luck.
The mission of Starlite Inc is:To elevate mankind's knowledge on creating their own good luck and eliminating bad luck.
This is the day when my 3 websites, DetermineYourLoverByNumbers.Com, 58FengShuiSecretKeys.Com and CreateYourOwnRomanceLuck.Com come together,all under Starlite Inc.
Helping people to create their own romance luck and finding their right life partner is something very dear to my heart.As you probably know from my past experience,I went through quite a lot when it came to the area of romance and I always wanted to help people find happiness in their love life.
It really saddens me to see people suffer in the area of romance,just because they made the wrong choice.I have studied Indian Numerology for the past 10 years and found that it is a powerful tool to analyse a person's character.
Before I even know someone,I can read this person like a book just by the date of birth.And the accuracy rate is around 80%.This is why I coined the term "X-ray Numbers".You can easily "X-ray" someone by his/her date of birth.
I was played out a number of times for trusting the wrong people.Now,it is very easy for me to see through people.But I still give people the benefit of the doubt before judging them basing on their dates of birth.
Coming to the area of Feng Shui and Good Luck,it is a pity that many people don't know that their good luck is actually in their own hands,if they know a little bit about Chinese Astrology and the 5 Elements.
Not mentioning the non-chinese countries,but even in countries like Hong Kong,China,Taiwan,Malaysia and Singapore,where there are a lot of Chinese,there are many people who don't know much about Chinese Astrology and how it could help them.
As a chinese,I feel that it is a real pity.Our ancestors have left us with such treasures,but yet we are unable to fully utilize them to their full potential.It is my vision that one day,all of mankind will be able to choose their own destiny.
That one day,there will not be any unlucky people in this world.No matter how bad the situation is,everyone will still be able to minimize the impact.
By knowing which actions create good luck and which actions create bad luck,you can easily avoid bad luck.However,there are still certain things which might be beyond your control.But armed with this knowledge,you can minimize the impact of bad luck.
It is all about know your favorable elements and unfavorable elements.When you boost your favorable elements,you increase your good luck.When you avoid your unfavorable elements,you minimize or eliminate bad luck.It is that simple.
In Feng Shui,the same principle applies.But in Feng Shui,it is about the Flying Stars.You need to know about the favorable stars and unfavorable stars.However,Feng Shui is only 30% of your overall luck cycle.Your luck pillars are still the most crucial.
During these 2 days,I am doing a Launch Day Promotion.You can get a FREE Personalized E-Report(Worth US$79) with any purchase of my E-Books.There are also other bonuses waiting for you.
There is still 3.5 hours more before I officially launch StarLite Inc.I sincerely hope to be of service to you.
Visit www.starliteinc.biz for more details.
Looking forward to serving you.