Saturday, February 27, 2010

What Is Your Luck Cycle For 2010,Basing On Your Horoscope?

The Metal Tiger year starts officially on 4th February,0640 hours.What does this year have in store for you? Discover it all in this article...

Rat: Born 1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008

The last year has been a great year for the Rat.This year, you will feel as if you are in the wilderness.There is a sense of frustration in you that you are unable to perform to your fullest.

Travel and change will be your main theme for this year.You might find yourself changing jobs, moving house or travelling a lot.You will be working very hard, but your rewards may not be up to your expectations.

You need to be patient as most of the time,you will be dealing with the problems alone.I would advise you to ask for help from the Ox,Monkey and Dragon people.They will be able to help you tide through the tough period.

Health wise, emotions are the root cause.You should not get agitated over small matters.Always try to relax and look at the good side of things.Remember that after a challenging time,good times will come.

Ox: Born 1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009

Last year hasn't been so favorable for the Ox.Relationships and stress are the main issues of last year.This year, all these shall disappear.The Ox is one of the horoscopes with the best luck cycle this year.

You need to put in a little effort in your career and romance,and you will be the biggest winner in these 2 areas.There will be favorable allies coming into your life to help you succeed.Make sure you make hay while the sun shines.

Despite all that good fortune,remember not to take short cuts or to do anything under counter.For all these will come back to haunt you.

In terms of health, this year,you shouldn't be facing much problems at all.Just remember to take things easy and everything will be fine for you.

Tiger: Born 1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998

After a dazzling year last year,everything slides back to normal for the Tiger.This is the best time for you to make plans and to store up energy for the good fortune to come.

When you are in wilderness,it is best to relax and plan for the future.This year,you may find your favorable allies coming quietly when you least expect them to.It is a low profile year for you.

For your health,please make sure you do check ups at the beginning of the year.There may be mishaps and injuries along the way.Do take good care of your health,and do not participate in any high risk activities.

Rabbit: Born 1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999

The Rabbit's luck cycle is quite unstable this year.This most important thing to bear in mind this year is to control your temper.You might lose your temper over something which will cause you to regret.

Please keep cool before reacting.Or rather,please respond instead of react.

The best area for this year is career.You will find yourself progressing very well.This year, you will be able to easily convince people to help you or to buy from you.Make sure you maximize your luck in this area.

Health wise, this might be your main concern this year.Be wary of sudden accidents and trouble arising from your unstable emotions.Look out for problems related to your stomach, intestines, hands and legs.

Dragon: Born 1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000

The Dragon plays lone ranger this year.You may find that you are fighting the war alone most of the time this year.You need to work very hard in order to succeed.A lot of own effort is required for you to reach your goals.

This year's theme will be travel,change and being busy. The busier you are,the better your luck cycle will be this year.You are likely to clear up a mess someone left behind.This is an opportunity to show your abilities.It may look tough on the surface,but you will prevail.

In terms of health,due to stress,you are likely to lose your temper easily.You must try to relax yourself.Be wary of injuries related to your limbs.

Snake: Born 1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

The Snake's good fortune continues this year.With 4 favorable stars in your sign,you have plenty going for you this year.Career wise,you will be making considerable progress.Most likely,you may find yourself gaining power.

The flip side is to look out for vile characters around you.Someone who is jealous of your success may be spreading rumors about you.Look out for back stabbers.

For your health,you are likely to stressed out due to work and dealing with back stabbers.Be wary of gaining wealth and losing health.Strike a balance between earning money and caring for your health.Try to be tolerant towards others.

Horse: Born 1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002

The Horse's luck cycle is relatively stable this year.It will be a socially active year for you.Make use of this chance to get to know people who can help you advance in your career.

You might also find yourself getting interested in learning new things.It could be a new language or a new skill.Just go for it,as it will be easy for you to pick up new things this year.

Health may be a problem for you this year.Take precautions in the early part of the year by going for checkups.Be wary of unexpected accidents.

Sheep: Born 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003

The Sheep went through a lot of stress and trouble last year.The good news for you is that all the trouble is already history.This year, you have 4 favorable stars in your sign.

You will be in a good mood most of the time this year,due to the happiness star.Career wise,make sure you don't do any under counter business.Take the slow but sure path,you are highly likely to succeed.

Health wise,be wary of operations.Go for checkups regularly.Make sure you have enough sleep and eat the right foods.

Monkey: Born 1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004

The main theme for the Monkey this year is change and adaptability.Your sign is in direct conflict with the Tiger.This signifies change and some challenges.Be wary of nasty surprises.

The most important thing you need to do is to go with the flow.Don't get agitated if things don't work out your way.Keep calm and try to think of the best solution.No matter what,you must keep cool and not lose your temper.

If you lose any money,be happy.You are losing money to avoid misfortunes.Keep your eyes open for money making opportunities,but don't take short cuts.Never take unnecessary risks.

In terms of health,be wary of issues related to the lungs and limbs.Keep your cool when driving on the road to avoid accidents.

Rooster: Born 1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005

The Rooster's good fortune continues this year.In fact,you will be less stressed as compared to last year.You could let go of any worries or concerns you had last year.Your social circle will expand,you will meet people who will turn out to be great allies in your career.

Ideas are plentiful this year.You are at your most creative period.Make use of this opportunity to turn ideas into profit.

Health may be a problem for you this year.Look out for illnesses related to the lungs, limbs and respiratory system.Do exercise more to keep yourself fit.

Dog: Born 1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006

The Dog's career luck continues to be favorable this year, but with more stress.You need to network more this year,to find allies to assist you.Adaptability is a must as you might be overwhelmed with sudden changes in plans.

There will be vile characters around you who will sabotage your progress.Be wary of them.Whether you succeed or fail will depends on your personal relations.Try to make friends instead of enemies and you will be able to tide through.

You have a clean bill of health this year.Everything is stable for you,just have ample rest and don't stress yourself unnecessarily.

Pig: Born 1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007

Last year was a challenging year for the Pig.This year, you can look forward to more romance and more progress in your career.You might want to start up a new business or form partnerships.

You can take bold creative actions in your career, and they are likely to work out successfully for you.You probably will meet allies of the opposite sex who will assist you in your career.

Health wise,women's health may be an issue this year.For men,be wary of sudden accidents or trouble.Make sure you have ample rest.

I have come to the end of my article.I wish you all the best in the Metal Tiger year.If you can't remember anything in the article,just remember this:No matter how bad things seem to be,just remember to be grateful for what you have and count your blessings.In that way,you can attract more good luck.

Good luck to you.

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