Thursday, February 5, 2009

How Is Your Romance Luck In 2009?

The Earth Ox year starts officially on 4th February,0050 hours. How is your romance luck this year? Discover it all in this article...

Rat: Born 1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008

After last year's disappointments in romance, the Rat can look forward to a romantic year this year. As Rat and Ox are in affinity, this year will present a lot of opportunities for romance.
Singles are very likely to find their ideal life partner. If you are attached, avoid flirting around. Females will have better romance luck than the males.

Ox: Born 1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009

After a romantic 2008, the Ox's romance luck slides back to average. If you are attached, your relationship may be tested. Remember to be tolerant at all times. Be patient and avoid quarrels.
Singles should focus on their careers instead of spending time on relationships which do not work out. Next year will be a better year for romance.

Tiger: Born 1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998

The Tiger can back to the hunting ground this year. Romantically speaking, this year will bring you lots of happiness. It may also be a time for you to get married, if you are attached.
Singles should go out and socialize more. This is the time for you to find your ideal life partner. Your chances of succeeding are very very high. Go for it!

Rabbit: Born 1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999

This will be a boring year for romance for the Rabbit. Most of the problem comes from your internal strife, causing you to be unable to focus on your relationships. You need to focus on things that are important to you.

Both singles and those attached should focus more on their careers and studies. Don't expect too much from your relationships this year. And don't overstress yourself by thinking too much.

Dragon: Born 1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000

Romantically speaking, this is definitely not a good year for Dragons. Dragon women should look out. Avoid being stubborn and unreasonable. If you are attached, be more tolerant towards your other half. If you are single, lower your expectations and you might find your ideal partner.
Dragon men are not affected as much. Just settle everything peacefully.

Snake: Born 1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

This year, the Snake will have a lot of ups and downs in the area of romance. Snake ladies will find themselves having a lot of potential suitors. Remain loyal to one and not two-time or three-time, as this may cause you a lot of trouble.

Snake men should remain calm when it comes to romance this year. Do not allow the ups and downs to affect your career. Keep a low profile when it comes to a new relationship.

Horse: Born 1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002

The Horse needs to be careful of being cheated in relationships. Avoid losing your temper and learn to forgive your partner. Avoid being critical towards everyone.

Singles may find this year quite disappointing. You may find someone you fancy, but this person might play you out. So be very careful before committing yourself.

Sheep: Born 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003

This is a very bad year for the Sheep's romance luck. Unexpected surprises are waiting for you. Things are not what they seem. You may find your relationship ending abruptly without you knowing why.

My advice is to go with the flow. Stop being attached to the outcome and believe that all things happens for your highest good.

Singles may find themselves drifting from prospect to prospect, never seem to be finding the right one. Or the relationship may be easy come easy go. Don't take it too hard. Remember, keep a low profile and keep your expectations low.

Monkey: Born 1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004

The Monkey's romance luck may not be as dazzling as last year. This year, your romance luck will be stable, with not much happenings. You will be in a very good mood this year.

Those attached might want to get married this year, as the Star of Happiness is in your chart this year. This year, you will be more loving and tolerant towards your other half.

Singles may find their ideal partner. This person may be someone you have known for a long time, but never expected love to blossom between the both of you. You might want to say that it is a slow, steady and solid relationship, with not much turbulence.

Rooster: Born 1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,2005

The Rooster's romance luck will be dazzling this year. You might find yourself very popular in social gatherings. This is a great time for you to find your ideal partner.

Singles will have a great time this year. But don't go overboard. Don't neglect your career because of relationships. You may go on multiple dates and have many choices.

Those attached will bring their relationship to the next level. You might want to consider getting married this year.

Dog: Born 1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006

This year, the Dog's romance will be stable and peaceful. You will find yourself emotionally free and happy. If you are single, you might find your ideal partner through a slow process. You might be tempted to rush things. Let nature take its course and enjoy the process.
If you are attached, you will have a peaceful and stable year with your other half.

Pig: Born 1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,2007

There is no turbulence in terms of the Pig's romance luck this year. Married male Pigs should be wary of third parties coming into your marriage. Remember, one wrong step will cause you your marriage. Be on the lookout and control yourself.

Singles may find this a boring year, without much prospects in find your ideal partner. Don't worry, you time will come next year.

In conclusion, I wish you a romantic Earth Ox year ahead! May you find true love this year!

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my montly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

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