Monday, August 16, 2010

What Should You Eat To Get Married To A Doting Husband

As the founder of Starlite Inc,my company's mission is to help people create their own good luck,so that they can find happiness in life,be it in the area of wealth,health or romance.I have received a lot of e-mails from single women who are seeking Mr Right.

Some of them are good looking,they have great personalities,they only lack Mr Right.Unfortunately,when I read their 8 characters,I can see why their romance luck is unfavorable.This is where many people misunderstand astrology and feng shui.

You see,astrology and feng shui is meant to help you improve your life.Some of us are born with great wealth,great health and even great romance luck.The others may lack the luck they need in certain areas of their life.Astrology and feng shui is for helping them to improve their luck in that area.

To some,astrology is superstition.Indeed,some astrologers do make astrology seem like a superstition,while others make use of it to rip people off and make more money,thereby creating a bad name.If used properly,astrology and feng shui can help you live a better life.

Ok,let's move on to our main topic about eating right to find Mr Right.Let me share with you a true story of this woman...

A number of years back,I used to frequent this coffee shop near where I stay.The reason I like that place is because they make good tea.After some time,the lady at the counter came to know me and we started chatting.I complimented her on the tea she made.It was not dilute like what I experienced at other places,the amount of sugar and water is just right.

Initially,I thought she was the boss of the coffee shop.I felt that she was quite professional in making tea as well as serving the customers well.I was wrong.She was just an employee.Looking at her looks,figure and disposition,I thought she was single.I did not ask her anything about her personal life.

Then it came to the topic about food.I think I have not mentioned this to any of my readers before,I'm a food lover.I love good food,and when it comes to talking about food,I always love to share my knowledge on where to find good food.

So I exchanged my ideas with this lady.She shared with me a number of places which had nice food.Then she told me about her favorite food.After hearing that,I had a strong feeling that she was not only married,but her husband doted on her very much.

How did I know that before she even told me?Because of her favorite food.She told me she could eat at least 2 at a go,all by herself.I learned that sometimes her husband cooks that dish for her.Then later,I started to find out more about her husband,so that I could prove that my theory was correct.

According to her,her husband really doted on her.Not only would he cook for her,but also help with the housework and the kids.She admitted that sometimes,she was quite domineering towards her husband.He was usually the one giving way.

OK,I know you are dying to know this.Are you ready for it?The answer is...

Crab.Yes,but eating crabs,you can start creating your luck in finding your Mr Right.Best is to have those with eggs.That is the female crabs with eggs.Those are even more effective.I noticed in Hong Kong,those Tai Tais (rich men's wives) love to eat those big hairy crabs.Whenever these crabs are in season,you can see these Tai Tais buying them in bulk.

And yes,I forgot to add.Even if you are already married,eating crabs help as well.With that,I wish you all the best in finding Mr Right.Do write in to share your good news with me.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

How to Easily Determine Your Health And Wealth Luck Every Year Without An Astrologer

Health and wealth is very important to most of us. Those with plenty of wealth will want to have good health, while those with plenty of health want to get wealthy. What I am about to show you, is a very simple way of determining your health and wealth luck for every year.

And even better still, if it isn't what you expect, you can improve it. To top it all off, it doesn't matter which sign or horoscope you were born under. Anyone can use this knowledge to create better health and wealth luck for themselves.

If you are wondering is it something to do with Feng Shui instead of 8 characters, the answer is yes. In fact, you will be using Flying Star Feng Shui to achieve this. In order to create more health and wealth for yourself, you need to know a little about the 9 flying stars. Due to the lack of space here, I will only touch on whether they are favorable or unfavorable.

If you are interested in more in-depth information about the 9 flying stars, please visit my website and get your complimentary copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck". Right now, let's begin with the 9 Flying Stars. Here they are. . .

1-White is favorable.
2-Black is unfavorable.
3-Jade is unfavorable.
4-Green is favorable.
5-Yellow is unfavorable.
6-White is favorable.
7-Red is unfavorable.
8-White is favorable.
9-Purple is favorable.

With the above information in your hands, you need to determine the positions of each star for each year. For illustration purposes, I will use 2010 and 2011 as examples. For 2010, the positions are as follows. . .

1-White is located in the West.
6-White is located in the East.
9-Purple is located in the North West.
7-Red is located in the South East.
4-Green is located in the North.
3-Jade is located in the South.
2-Black is located in the North East.
5-Yellow is located in the South West.

We will go through the 2010 positions first, and how to apply them to your daily life. Once we finish up this part, then I will list out the 2011 positions for you. If you noticed, I have "jumbled" up the numbers. Instead of going from 1 to 9, I am jumping around. Not only that, 8-White is missing.

Let me explain. . .

In Feng Shui, there is a Sitting Direction and the Facing Direction. The Facing Direction is where you face, the Sitting Direction is the exact opposite direction of the Facing Direction. Now, I can hear you asking, isn't it enough to just know about the Facing Direction?Why bother about the facing direction?

Pay attention to this:The Facing Direction determines your Wealth Luck while the Sitting Direction determines your Health Luck. If you have forgotten anything else you read in this article, please remember this, as it is the most important piece of information in this entire article.

Now, let's move on to application. For year 2010 if your facing Direction is West, Sitting Direction is East, both Health and Wealth will be favorable, as the stars located in both East and West sectors are favorable. Next, if you are facing North West, your Wealth will be great, but Health will be unfavorable, as your sitting direction is South East.

If you face South East, then the effects will be reversed. Your Health will be good, Wealth will be bad. The worst direction to face is North East and South West, as you can see, the stars of both directions are unfavorable. For North and South, I will leave it to you to figure it out.

In summary, for 2010, the best directions are East and West. It doesn't matter whether you are Facing or Sitting, both stars are favorable. The worst directions and North East and South West, as both stars in those 2 directions are unfavorable. For North West, South East, North and South, you can only have either your health luck or wealth luck.

Remember, for 2010, you should face either East or West.

Now, let me list out the directions of the stars for 2011. . .

9-Purple is in the West.
5-Yellow is in the East.
8-White is in the North West.
6-White is in the South East.
3-Jade is in the North.
2-Black is in the South.
1-White is in the North East.
4-Green is in the South West.

I believe you don't need an astrologer to tell your health and wealth luck now. Luck creation is in your hands. I wish you health and wealth in the many years to come.

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How To Determine Your Romance Luck By Just Looking At Your Face

I believe this is another interesting and exciting,especially is you are seeking romance.By looking at this area of your face,you will easily tell how good is your romance luck.If you are currently "suffering" from poor romance luck,you might want to look at this area of your face...

Earlier on,in the summary,I mentioned about a lady who "lost" her husband.She wore something on her face,which might have caused this.However,this might also be a coincidence.But the bottom line is this,that area of your face should be kept clean and "well-maintained".

Before we start,let's first talk about the lady who "lost" her husband.I heard about this story sometime in the late 1980s.That was around 20 plus years ago,where it was very fashionable to wear spectacles with a chain attached to them.

You see,the chain is to provide convenience to the wearer,so that she doesn't have to find a place to put the spectacles when she wishes to take them off.The chain allows her to wear the spectacles like a necklace.I believe you know which type of spectacles I mean.Those were quite popular back then.

According to the story,this lady's husband was suddenly charged in court for something which he didn't do.In the end,he was imprisoned.In other words,you could say that he was "chained".Was that due to the chained spectacles his wife was wearing?

I was wondering if this was a coincidence.However,the bottom line is that that area of your face affects your romance luck as well as your spouse.If that area "screws up",your romance luck and spouse will be affected.OK,I can hear you asking.So which area of your face affects your romance luck?

The area between the ends of your eyes and your side burns.For males,the left eye side determines your romance luck,while the right eye side determines gossip and even law suits.For females,the right side determines your romance luck,while the left side determines gossip and even law suits.

Now,according to the person who told me the story about the lady,he mentioned that the chain from the spectacles affected her husband's luck.The chain caused her husband to be "chained",in other words imprisoned.

Here's the second part of the story.I don't know if it is coincidence.He was sentenced to one year imprisonment.Six months later,the wife decided that she didn't like the chain spectacles.She decided to change them.Surprisingly,her husband was given a reduction in his jail sentence.He was released around six months later.Coincidence?

Back to our main topic.The area between the ends of your eyes and side burns should be free from any scars,pimples and black heads.It should also be visible.If your hair is covering it,your romance luck will also be affected.If that area is fleshy,your romance luck will definitely be good.

So what happens if there are scars,pimples and black heads there?If it is temporal,you might find yourself having difficulty finding a romance partner.It could be that there is no one suitable,or those you fancy are already attached.In worse cases,you might be in the relationship,but your partner is being "stolen" by someone else.

As you can see,that area of your face is very important.Please take good care of it.The hair covering it may not affect as much as the scars,pimples and black heads.Please remove all those if you see them.If you need to do some facial to remove the scars,please do it as soon as possible.

I wish you all the best in seeking the romance you desire.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

How To Determine Your Wealth Luck By Just Looking At Your Face

I believe this is going to be a very interesting topic.Did you know that you can determine your wealth luck by just looking at yourself in the mirror.There is one area on your face which determines your wealth luck.You would always want to keep this place nice and clean in order to have great wealth luck.

By simply looking at this area of your face,you can easily tell whether you will gain or lose money.For some people,they might have a permanent financial problems.For others,the crisis might be just temporal.The good news is no matter what is your financial status now,by the end of this article,you will be armed with the knowledge of improving your wealth luck by working on your face.

Rich people have one thing in common when you look at their faces.If you have this feature on your face,you might be a wealthy person,or someone who is on the way to being wealthy.It is their noses.The first thing you notice is that when you look at them straight (meaning they never tilt their head upwards or downwards) in the face,you are unable to see their nostrils.

Secondly,you can see flesh in between their nostrils.And usually that piece of flesh grows slightly downwards.These 2 permanent features are common in all wealthy people.At this point of time,you might be wondering,am I referring to the nose?Is the nose the area on your face that determines your wealth luck?

The answer is yes.

Now,I can see you rushing to the mirror to look at your nose.So what happens if you can see your nostrils when you look at yourself straight?This means that your wealth luck is not very stable.You may find that money seems to "disappear" from you very fast,without you knowing where it went.It could mean easy come,easy go.

If your nostrils are visible when looking at yourself straight in the mirror,you should never gamble or speculate.If not,you will have a tendency to lose money.However,if you are a male,I have some good news for you.You can still improve your wealth luck by growing a moustache.The moustache will "prevent" the money from flowing away from you.

The next 2 points are very important for "wealth" maintenance.When you look at yourself in the mirror every morning,please make sure you look at your nose.Firstly,see is there any nose hair growing out of your nostrils.

If you see nose hair,it means that you might lose some money within 1 to 7 days.Please cut your nose hair as soon as you see it.This is very important.It has happened to me many times,and I make it a point to cut my nose hair even before it grows too long.

The next thing you should look at is pimples and black heads.Pimples and black heads on your nose should be removed immediately upon discovery.These 2 things will also cause your wealth luck to be done.Remove them,but don't squeeze them.You don't want to leave a permanent scar on your nose.This will permanently affect your wealth luck.

Last but not least,if your nose is oily,please try to wash it frequently with water.Oily noses will also affect wealth luck.

If you have any scars or pimple marks on your nose,you might want to go for some facial treatment to remove them.You see,this is not just to beautify yourself,but it is an investment in your wealth luck.I wish you all the best in improving your wealth luck.

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can You Improve Your Romance Luck By Eating Chicken?

You have come to the last part of the Romance Food Series. In this article, you will be looking at Chicken. Chicken is actually a very powerful tool for creating romance luck, because it also represents one of the 4 Sex Stars.

However, not everyone can use Chicken as a romance luck creation tools, as it can also lead to sexual scandals. Whether or not you can use it to improve your romance luck, it will depend on when you are born, as well as your favorable elements.

Before you can determine whether Chicken is suitable for you, first, you will look at the Zodiac Signs which have the Rooster as their Romance Star. The first on the list is the Horse. For Horse people, the Rooster represents your Marriage Star. Next on the list is Rat. The Rooster represents both the Sex Star and the Happiness Star for Rat people.

The last 2 Zodiac Signs are the Dragon and Monkey. The Rooster represents the Sex Star for these 2 Zodiac Signs.

After determining this, you will look at who are the people who will end up with Sex Scandals if they use the Rooster to boost their romance luck. You will also determine who are the people who can use the Rooster to improve their romance luck.

For the Sex Scandals first. The Rooster represents the Sex Star of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. If you belong to this group, and you were born in Autumn (8th August to 7th October), then you should not use the Rooster to boost your romance luck, or you might end up in sex scandals. This includes Rooster years and Rooster months. During these periods, you have a high risk of ending up in sex scandals, if you have been fooling around.

Let me explain why. The Rooster represents the Metal element. Metal is unfavorable to people born in Autumn. Therefore Autumn people should avoid using the Rooster to boost their romance luck. And they should also look for and be wary of scandals during Rooster years and months (7th September to 7th October).

If you were born under either of those 3 signs, and you were born in Spring or Summer (i.e. the first half of the year) and Metal is your favorable element, then it will benefit you a lot to use Rooster to boost your romance luck.

For those born under the Horse sign, the same principle applies. Even though the Rooster doesn't represent your Sex Star, if Metal is unfavorable to you, you should not use the Rooster to boost your romance luck. And that is if you were born in Autumn (8th August to 7th October).

If you were born in Spring or Summer, I believe you will have a smooth marriage life, as Metal is favorable to you.

Next, you will move on to food. Now, the question is which type of Chicken is the most effective? In my opinion, steamed chicken is the most effective for increasing the effect of Metal. Please try to avoid steamed chicken if you were born in Autumn.

Kentucky Fried Chicken and other types of Fried Chicken will work fine, especially the skin. But please, please watch your health and don't overeat. If you love fried chicken skin like I do, please drink tea or freshly squeezed lemon to wash away the oil in your body.

Here are a few types of chicken for you to choose from, Chicken Chop, Curry Chicken, Hainanese Chicken Rice, Roast Chicken and Terayaki Chicken. There are many ways to cook chicken. I hope you will find your favorite.

With that, I shall end off my Food and Romance series. I wish you all the best in finding your romance.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

Flying Star Feng Shui - All About Wealth Stars

You have heard about the 9 Flying Stars of Flying Star Feng Shui. Today, you will be looking in detail at the 3 wealth stars.

The 3 Flying Stars which govern money are:1 White,6 White and 8 White. Among the 3,the 8 White is the current Direct Wealth Star. Let me explain what Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth. In Chinese Astrology, Direct Wealth refers to money made from your occupation or job. Indirect Wealth refers to money from striking the lottery or maybe an inheritance.

To summarize, Direct Wealth is money you earn from your labor, or money which you earn through hard work and effort. Indirect Wealth is effortless money.As I mentioned earlier,8 White is the Direct Wealth Flying Star, while 1 White and 6 White are Indirect Wealth Flying Stars. Why is 8 White the current Direct Wealth Star? Reason is because we are in Period 8 now. Period 8 spans from 2004 to 2023.

From 1984 to 2003 was Period 7.Back then,7 Red was the Direct Wealth Star. Of course, back then,8 White was only an Indirect Wealth Star until 2004.

With all that information in mind, you will look at the location of all the different Wealth Stars for this year, and which month does the Month Wealth Stars and Year Wealth Stars come together in the same sector.

This year,2010,the 8 White Wealth Star is in the middle sector. If you are occupying the Middle Sector of your house or office, you can look forward to more money coming in from your job. If you are a businessman, it could mean more business coming in for you. If you are a salaried worker, this could mean a raise from your boss.

For the 1 White Indirect Wealth Star, it is in the West Sector, while the 6 White Indirect Wealth Star is in the East Sector. Basing on the directions each family occupy, the Eldest Son will be under the effect of the 6 White Wealth Star. For the 1 White Indirect Wealth Star, the Youngest Daughter will be under its influence for this year.

The month that both the Yearly Wealth Star and Monthly Wealth Star occupies the same sector is the Metal Snake month, which is from 5th May to 6th June 2010.If you were occupying the Middle Sector, East Sector or West Sector, last month was a windfall month for you.

Similarly, if you are the Eldest Son or Youngest Daughter staying with your parents, last month your finances should be very good.

To enhance the effect of the Wealth Stars, you could put an electric fan in the Middle Sector, East Sector or West Sector, so that the energy of that sector is circulated.

I hope you have a prosperous year ahead!

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

Can You Improve Your Romance Luck By Eating Pork Chops?

In the previous 2 articles, you have looked at Steak and Lamb Chops. These 2 types of food represent the Earth element. In this article, you will look at a type of food which represents the Water element, and how you can use it to improve your romance luck.

The Pig represents the Water element. By eating Pork Chops, you are increasing the effect of the Pig zodiac sign as well as the Water element. Of course, you are not only limited to eating Pork Chops. As long as you eat pork, the effect is the same.

Now, there are 2 groups of people who can use the Pig to improve their romance luck. In other words, by eating Pork Chops or other forms of Pork, these 2 groups of people are able to improve their romance luck. The first group are those born in the year of Dragon. The other group are those born in the year of Dog.

Pig represents the Marriage Star for Dragon people, while for Dog people, it represents the Happiness Star.

This means that if you were born in the year of Dragon, whenever you encounter a Pig year (i. e. 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971 and etc... ), your romance luck will be at its peak. In other words, it is very likely that you will get married.

For those born in the year of Dog, the Pig represents your Happiness Star. The Happiness Star may also bring romance, although it may not be as strong as the Marriage Star. But one thing for sure, with the Happiness Star around, you will always be in a great mood.

After looking at the Zodiac Signs, you will look at using your Day Element to determine whether eating Pork Chops is favorable for your romance luck. The first group will be women born on Fire days. As Water represents your Husband/Boyfriend element, Pig years and Pig months can also bring romance. The next group will be men born on Earth days. Being born on Earth day, Water represents your Wife/Girlfriend element.

However, there is one more thing you need to take into consideration. That is the season you were born in. If you are a woman born on a Fire day, you must be born in Summer (6th May to 6th July) or Spring (4th February to 4th April) in order for your romance luck to be favorable. This means that your day element must be strong, since Water will greatly weaken your day element.

If you are a woman born on a Fire day, but you were born in Winter (8th November to 5th January), Autumn (8th August to 7th October) or the 4 Earth months, then your romance luck might not be so favorable, as your day element is already weak. The solution to this is to increase the effect of Wood in your daily life. This means spending more time gardening or eating more greens. Surrounding yourself with books will also help.

Now, for the men. If you were born on Earth day, in Summer (6th May to 6th July) or 4 Earth months, your romance luck will be favorable as your day element is strong. On the flip side, if you were born in Spring (4th February to 4th April), Autumn (8th August to 7th October) or Winter (8th November to 5th January), then you need to increase the effect of Fire in your daily life in order to enhance your romance luck.

In order to increase the effect of Fire, you could wear more Red, Purple or Orange. Drinking more coffee and eating more chocolate can also help to boost the effect of Fire in your daily life.

I have come to the end of this article. I wish you luck in creating your own romance luck. Next month, you will look at the type of food which brings more flings and one night stands.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

Basic Applications Of Flying Star Feng Shui In Your Home

Do you know that a certain part of your house affects you the most? Have you ever wondered why houses in the olden days are square or rectangular in shape? By the end of this article, the answers should be very clear to you.

Once you master the information I am about to share with you, you can easily impress your friends and family with this knowledge. Let me start off by introducing the concept of Flying Star Feng Shui...

Flying Star Feng Shui is used to determine happenings in a house or a space basing on calculations. There are 9 stars involved, and each star has its own significance. Depending on the month and year, each flying star is positioned in each of the nine sectors.

If a favorable star is in a particular sector, then people occupying that sector, or family members which that sector represents will have favorable things happening to them. This also works the other way with unfavorable stars.

Today, you won't be looking at the stars yet, but rather, you will get yourself familiarized with the sectors, and which family member does each sector represent. The sectors are positioned 3 sectors by 3 sectors. Only 8 family members are represented. The middle sector doesn't represent any family member.

By knowing which flying star is in each sector, you can easily determine which of your family members are having a good time while also knowing which of them are going through a rough patch. Let me list out each sector and the family member which it represents...

Male Owner/Father - North West
Female Owner/Mother - South West
Eldest Son - EastMiddle Son - North
Youngest Son - North East
Eldest Daughter - South East
Middle Daughter - South
Youngest Daughter - West

Now, I know that the list above might not represent every single family member and it might get a little confusing. Let me clarify those potential doubts...

Let's say you are staying with your parents and you have an elder brother. So which sector represents you? The answer is the North East sector. This is not to be confused with the North sector (Middle Son). Many people are confused, they thought that being the second son also means that they are the Middle Son.

The only time the Middle Son sector is used is unless there are 3 or more sons. If there are 3 sons, then the 2nd son is considered the Middle Son. What if there are 4 sons? Then in this case, both the 2nd and 3rd son are considered the Middle Son. In other words, the North sector affects both the 2nd and 3rd son. The same concept applies to daughters.

Now, what happens if 3 generations stay under the same roof? There is no sector representing grandchildren. In this case, the grandparents are represented by North West (Grandfather) and South West (Grandmother). The parents are also represented by the same sectors North West for Father and South West for Mother. Basically parents and grandparents share the same sector.

What if you are staying alone?

In this case, it depends on whether you are male or female. If you are staying alone and you are male, then your sector is North West. If you are female and staying alone, then your sector is South West.

Now, if you noticed, old houses in China are usually in the shape of a square or rectangle. Why is it so? In terms of Feng Shui, a square or rectangle has the best Feng Shui. The reason is because all 8 sectors are intact.

Nowadays, many houses are irregularly shaped. This results in missing sectors. And missing sectors result in missing family members. In less severe cases, that family member which the missing sector represents will seldom be home. Always preferring to hang around outside. In more severe cases, that family member may either migrate or worse, die of terminal illnesses.

If you want a house with good Feng Shui, first make sure it is a square or rectangle. I wish you luck and health.

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can You Improve Your Romance Luck By Eating Steak?

In the previous article, you looked at lamb chops and how they can help to improve romance luck. In this article, you will be looking at another type of red meat, Steak. If you love Steak, then I'm sure you will be very happy to know that eating Steak can help you improve your romance luck.

Next, you will look at the difference aspects of how Steak is related to romance luck. Firstly, Steak is beef, which comes from cattle. In Chinese Astrology, the Ox is the equivalent of cattle. Eating beef will help you boost the effects of the Ox sign.

What do I mean by that?For people born under the Tiger sign, the Ox represents your Marriage Star. This means that whenever you encounter an Ox year (i.e. 2009,1997,1985 and etc), your romance luck will be at its peak. Of course, this also mean that whenever you eat Steak or any type of beef, your romance luck will improve. If you were born under the Tiger sign, and you wish to improve your romance luck, head to the Steak House as soon as you can.

The next group of people affected by the Ox sign is the Monkey. For Monkey people, the Ox represents your Happiness Star. I believe last year was a happy and joyous for those born under the Monkey sign. Besides bringing happiness, the Happiness Star also brings romance. This also mean that Monkey people can improve their romance luck and mood by eating beef.

Now, I can read your mind. So what happens if you were not born under the 2 above mentioned signs? This is where the next aspect of the relationship between romance luck and Steak comes into play. Besides using your Chinese Horoscope (the sign you were born under) to determine romance luck, you can also use your day element to do it.

What do I mean by your day element? You day element is the element which your day pillar represents. For instance, today is 4th April 2010.Today is a Wood Monkey day. If you were born today, then your day element is Wood.

Basing on your day element, you can determine the element which your spouse represents. For women, your spouse element is the element which destroys your day element. If your day element is Wood, then your spouse element is Metal. For men, the spouse element is the element which your day element destroys. Using the above example, if your day element is Wood, then your spouse element is Earth.

With all that in mind, where does the Steak come into play? Since Ox represents Earth, those whose spouse element is Earth can improve their romance luck by eating Steak. Next question: Who are these people?

Let's start with the women first. For women, the element which destroys your day element is your spouse element. So in this case, Earth destroys Water. If you are a woman and your day element is Water, you can eat Steak to improve your romance luck.

For men, the element which your day element destroys is your spouse element. So in this case, Wood destroys Earth. If you are a man with Wood day element, you can start visiting the Steak House to improve your romance luck.

Before I end off, there is one important point to make. Everything I mention above is assuming that Earth is your favorable element. If Earth is not your favorable element, then you should seek an alternative method to improve your romance luck.

You are probably asking, so how do you determine whether Earth is favorable to you? This is a tough question for me to answer, as I can only give you an accurate answer if I know your 8 characters. But here's a way to determine, with an 85% accuracy rate...

If you were born in the 4 Earth months, that is:6th January to 3rd February,5th April to 5th May,7th July to 7th August and 8th October to 7th November, Earth is unfavorable to you. You should seek an alternative method instead of using Earth.

The next question will be how to determine those whose favorable element is Earth? Similarly, I cannot give you a fully accurate answer. But if you belong to the categories mentioned below, Earth should be favorable to you.

The first category is that your day element is Metal and you were born in Spring (4th February to 4th April), Autumn (8th August to 7th October) or Winter (8th November to 5th January), it is very likely that Earth is your favorable element.

The next category is that you are a man born on a Wood day in Spring, Autumn or Winter. The 3rd category will be women born on a Water day in Winter or Autumn. You belong to the last category if your day element is Earth, and you were born on Spring, Autumn or Winter.

I wish you luck in creating your own romance luck. Next time round, you will look at another type of food.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

How To Determine Whether A House Is Ruled By Men Or Women

Before I begin, this article might save hen-pecked men from continually being hen-pecked. It might also save women who are continually being controlled by their husbands. Whichever situation you are in, I hope that you will benefit from the knowledge of the ancient art of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is actually divided into 2 parts. The first part is determined by the external factors, that is the surrounding areas of the house and the external structure of it. The second part is determined by the direction the house is facing. And from that direction, you are able to determine the flying star configuration of that house.

Once you get the flying star configuration, you will be able to determine which are the favorable and unfavorable sectors of the house. For example, you will be able to tell which sector of the house you should spend more time in, so that you can increase your wealth luck. Or on the other hand, which sector of the house you should avoid, so that you are able to avoid illnesses and misfortune.

In this article, you will only be looking at the first part of Feng Shui, that is the external factors. From the exterior of the house, you will determine within 2 seconds, whether the house is ruled by men or women.

Before I move into that, there are 4 celestial beasts in Feng Shui. They are called: The Green Dragon, The White Tiger, The Vermilion Bird and lastly, The Black Turtle. In Feng Shui, the positions of these 4 celestial beast must be in harmony in order for there to be good Feng Shui.

Their positions are as follows: The Green Dragon is on the Left, The White Tiger on the Right, The Vermilion Bird is at the Front while the Black Turtle is at the back. In order to have good Feng Shui, the Green Dragon position must be higher than the White Tiger position, while the Black Turtle position must be higher than the Vermilion Bird position.

To put it in simple terms, the left must be higher than the right, and the back must be higher than the front. To fulfill the criteria, usually, there is a mountain behind the house and a large open area in front of the house. The building on the left is always taller than those on the right. There is one place in Singapore that fulfills this. If you visit Singapore, take a look at the City Hall.

In front of the City Hall is the Padang, which is an open field. At the back is the new Supreme Court building. On its left is the old Supreme Court building while on the right is Coleman Street. Take a walk down there if you have the chance. You will understand what I mean.

Ok, time to move on to our main topic, which is how to determine whether a house or building is ruled by men or women. So how do we determine that? And what is the relationship between this and the 4 celestial beasts?

In Feng Shui, the Green Dragon represents masculine energy, while the White Tiger represents feminine energy. When the Green Dragon position is higher or taller than the White Tiger position, then men rule. If it is the other way round, then women rule.

Now, here is how you do it. You stand in front of the building or house, facing the main door. Look at the building on the left side. Is it taller than the building on the right side? If it is, then men rule that building or house. If it is the other way round, it means women are holding positions of power.

Take a look, experiment and see if it is true for you. Have fun!

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

How Is Romance Luck Related To Lamb Chops?

You may be wondering, how are lamb chops and romance luck related? I would say that I was quite surprised to discover this relationship between lamb chops and romance luck. Let me explain how they are related. . .

In Chinese Astrology, there are 3 different types of Romance Stars. There's the marriage star, happiness star and also the sex star. Today, you will only look at the marriage star. Depending on your Chinese horoscope, your marriage star is represented by another zodiac sign. When your come into frequent contact with things related to that your marriage star, then your marriage luck improves.

Lamb chops are for improving the marriage luck for those born under the sign of the Monkey. You see, the Marriage Star for the Monkey is represented by the Sheep. If you are born under the sign of Monkey, by eating more lamb or mutton, you are improving your romance luck.
If you dislike lamb chops, mutton soup or anything related to sheep or lamb will help you improve your romance luck. What if you are vegetarian?In that case, carrying a sheep soft toy also helps.

Despite that, lamb is not for everybody. Besides the fact that it is high cholesterol, lamb is unfavorable to people who are born in the 4 Earth months. As Sheep represents Earth. People born in the 4 Earth months already have plenty of Earth in their chart. More Earth will cause their luck cycle to be down.

The 4 Earth months are the Ox month (6th January to 3rd February), Dragon month (5th April to 5th May), Sheep month (7th July to 7th August) and lastly, Dog month (8th October to 7th November). If you were born under these 4 months, then you need to use other methods (depending on your birth date) to improve your romance luck.

Those who can definitely improve their romance luck by eating lamb are those born in the Winter Water months (8th November to 5th January) and Autumn Metal months (8th August to 7th October). These 2 groups of people need more Earth in their chart.

Now, I need to caution you though, please do not overeat. Eating too much lamb will cause other health problems. Remember to balance your diet with fruits and vegetables. This article is specially for those born under the Monkey sign. In my later articles, I will cover the other zodiac signs as well.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

Which Are The Favorable & Unfavorable Sectors In Your Home For 2010?

In this article, you will discover the different flying stars in each of the 9 sectors for 2010.Besides giving you tips on further enhancing the favorable sectors, you will also learn how to minimize the unfavorable sectors.

Let me begin with the Wealth Stars first. The Wealth Stars are 1 White,6 White and 8 White. Among the 3 of them,8 White generates wealth from your job. In other words, earned income.1 White and 6 White generates money from windfalls. This could mean money from lottery or money from unexpected sources.

This year, the 8 White is located at the Middle sector. By occupying the Middle sector or placing a moving water feature will activate the 8 White Wealth Star. If you are looking to earning more money from your business and your career, you might want to activate the 8 White Wealth Star.

The 6 White is located East sector while the 1 White is located in the West sector. By spending more time in either of these sectors will enhance your luck in striking the lottery. Of course, the money might also come from some unexpected sources.

Since both 6 White and 1 White represent Water, they can also be activated by placing a moving water feature in their sectors.Besides money, I believe the next thing on your mind would be romance.

The 9 Purple Star is the romance star. Besides romance, the 9 Purple star will also attract helpful allies in your career or life. This year, the 9 Purple star occupies the Northwest sector.

If you are looking for romance of helpful allies, you can activate the 9 Purple Star by charging your cell phone in the Northwest sector of your house. Another way of activating the Northwest sector will be to place 9 chilies in that sector.

The next favorable star will be the 4 Green star. The 4 Green star is a creativity star and it also helps to improve your studies. If you are a student or designer, this star is very important to you. This year, the 4 Green star occupies the North sector.

The best way to make this star work for you is to occupy the North sector when you study or do your designing. This is where creativity comes easily for you. You could also place 4 bamboo plants on your work table in that sector.

After all the favorable stars, I will move on to the unfavorable stars. If you are "forced" to work or sleep in a sector where the unfavorable star is, then you would want to pay attention to the next few paragraphs...

The first unfavorable star is the 2 Black star. The 2 Black star is the illness star. You would want to avoid it if you can. This star is also related to the spiritual world. Dark places with the 2 Black star attracts female spirits.

This year, the 2 Black star is located in the North East sector. The best cure is of course to avoid that sector altogether. If your store room is in that sector, then you don't have to do anything about it. But if your bedroom or work place is in that sector, then you need to place a wind chime or metal objects in that sector to minimize the effect of this star.

The next unfavorable star is the 5 Yellow. The 5 Yellow star is also known as the star of misfortunes. This is also a star to be avoided, as it brings bad luck and misfortune. In serious cases, it might even lead to death.

But of course, other factors must also be taken into consideration.This year, the 5 Yellow star is in the South West sector. Like the 2 Black star, this star is also represented by the Earth element. In order to minimize the effect of this star, you need to use Metal objects as Metal weakens Earth. You could use the same method as the 2 Black star as mentioned above.

Next on the list, you have the 3 Jade star. The 3 Jade star is a star which brings gossip, back stabbing, quarrels or even lawsuits. In short, it brings about conflicts. This year, the 3 Jade is located in the South sector.

In order to minimize the effect of this star, you need to use objects related to Fire. This could mean a red cloth, red carpet, or charging your mobile phone in this sector. Of course, if you only have 1 cell phone, you should still give priority to the 9 Purple star, which is in the North West sector.

Lastly, you have the 7 Red star. The 7 Red used to be the wealth star between 1984-2003,that is the 7 Period. From 2004-2023,the Wealth Star is the 8 White star because of the 8 Period. The 7 Red star is already obsolete, as a result, it brings about harmful effects instead of wealth.

The 7 Red star causes mishaps relating to Metal. It could mean ending up in an operation or being injured by sharp objects. This year, the 7 Red star is located in the South East sector. To minimize the effect of it, place objects related to Water in the South East sector. As this star represents Metal. Water will weaken Metal.

That's it for this article. I wish you a great year ahead!

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Your Romance Forecast In 2010, Basing On Your Horoscope

The Metal Tiger year starts officially on 4th February,0640 hours.How is your romance luck this year?Discover it all in this article...

Rat:Born 1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008

The Rat's romance luck in 2010 slides back to average.This year, it is better to keep your romance low profile.You may find yourself having "underground" relationships.

Romance luck is quite unpredictable.Try to avoid getting into unnecessary trouble by going too deep into a new romance.

Ox:Born 1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009

Congratulations Ox people!This year,the Marriage Star is in your horoscope.If you are currently in a relationship,you might want to consider getting married and having kids.

Singles,you might want to widen your social circle as Mr or Miss Right might just be waiting for you.This is a good opportunity to search for your ideal partner.

Tiger:Born 1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998

The Tiger's romance luck is rather unstable.Romance may come easily and go just as easily.You must learn to let go and let nature take its course.If you are already in a relationship,try to keep cool and avoid quarrels.

Singles might want to avoid the hunting ground this year and focus on your career instead.Be cool and calm with dealing with people.Do not confront people directly as you will be on the losing end.

Rabbit:Born 1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999

This will be a good year for flings, but not for marriage.The Rabbit's judgment will be clouded this year.Be wary of flings which will cause your marriage to break down.

Those already in a relationship should exercise caution when dealing with the opposite sex.Do not stray from your relationship.Singles may find plenty of potential partners.You should only focus on one,instead of jumping from one partner to another.

Dragon:Born 1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000

For Dragons, this will be a boring year for romance.There are no strong romance stars in your chart this year.Your focus will most likely be on your career and studies this year.Romance will take a back seat this year for you.

If you are already in a relationship,this will be a peaceful year for your relationship.

Snake: Born 1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

The Snake's favorable romance luck continues this year.Even though there may be squabbles here and there,your relationship will still work out.You can look forward to a romantic year ahead.

Horse: Born 1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002

After last year's disappointment in relationships,the Horse can look forward to a better year in relationship.Your sign is in affinity with the Tiger.This means your relationships will be favorable.

Singles can look forward to finding your ideal partner.Those who are attached must be wary of third parties coming into your relationship.

Sheep: Born 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003

Good news for the Sheep!Last year was quite a bad year for romance.This year, with the Happiness Star in your sign,you should be able to find the relationship you have been looking for.You should start expanding your social circle this year.

Those attached might want to consider tying the knot this year.

Monkey:Born 1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004

It would be wise to take things easy this year in terms of romance.Monkey people may find their relationships like a roller coaster ride.It is very unpredictable,with a lot of surprises.

I would advise you to take it easy.Don't jump to conclusions easily.Whether things are good or bad,just let nature take its course.The higher your expectations,the greater your disappointment.

Both singles and attached Monkey people should watch their language.Never start a quarrel just because you want to win the argument.It is better to let go even if you know that you are right.

Rooster:Born 1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005

There will be plenty of romance for the Rooster this year.But be wise in discerning which are the right ones for you.Be wary of getting involved in romantic relationships which will bring you trouble.

Your social circle will widen in 2010.You might meet a lot of new people,but be wary of extra martial affairs.

Dog: Born 1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006

The Dog can look forward to a romantic year.With your sign in affinity with the Tiger,there will be plenty of opportunities for romance the Metal Tiger year.

The most important thing for Dog people to bear in mind is to not let romance take precedence over other important issues in your life.Keep it cool when it comes to dealing with matters of the heart.

Pig: Born 1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007

Among all the signs,Pig people have the best romance luck in 2010.You have 2 very strong romance stars in your horoscope this year.It will be a romantic and passionate year for you.

But above all, remember not to get blinded by love.Get to know the other party well before committing yourself.Know when to walk away when things are not in your favor.

In conclusion,I wish you a romantic Metal Tiger year ahead!May you find true love this year!

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my monthly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

What Is Your Luck Cycle For 2010,Basing On Your Horoscope?

The Metal Tiger year starts officially on 4th February,0640 hours.What does this year have in store for you? Discover it all in this article...

Rat: Born 1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008

The last year has been a great year for the Rat.This year, you will feel as if you are in the wilderness.There is a sense of frustration in you that you are unable to perform to your fullest.

Travel and change will be your main theme for this year.You might find yourself changing jobs, moving house or travelling a lot.You will be working very hard, but your rewards may not be up to your expectations.

You need to be patient as most of the time,you will be dealing with the problems alone.I would advise you to ask for help from the Ox,Monkey and Dragon people.They will be able to help you tide through the tough period.

Health wise, emotions are the root cause.You should not get agitated over small matters.Always try to relax and look at the good side of things.Remember that after a challenging time,good times will come.

Ox: Born 1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009

Last year hasn't been so favorable for the Ox.Relationships and stress are the main issues of last year.This year, all these shall disappear.The Ox is one of the horoscopes with the best luck cycle this year.

You need to put in a little effort in your career and romance,and you will be the biggest winner in these 2 areas.There will be favorable allies coming into your life to help you succeed.Make sure you make hay while the sun shines.

Despite all that good fortune,remember not to take short cuts or to do anything under counter.For all these will come back to haunt you.

In terms of health, this year,you shouldn't be facing much problems at all.Just remember to take things easy and everything will be fine for you.

Tiger: Born 1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998

After a dazzling year last year,everything slides back to normal for the Tiger.This is the best time for you to make plans and to store up energy for the good fortune to come.

When you are in wilderness,it is best to relax and plan for the future.This year,you may find your favorable allies coming quietly when you least expect them to.It is a low profile year for you.

For your health,please make sure you do check ups at the beginning of the year.There may be mishaps and injuries along the way.Do take good care of your health,and do not participate in any high risk activities.

Rabbit: Born 1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999

The Rabbit's luck cycle is quite unstable this year.This most important thing to bear in mind this year is to control your temper.You might lose your temper over something which will cause you to regret.

Please keep cool before reacting.Or rather,please respond instead of react.

The best area for this year is career.You will find yourself progressing very well.This year, you will be able to easily convince people to help you or to buy from you.Make sure you maximize your luck in this area.

Health wise, this might be your main concern this year.Be wary of sudden accidents and trouble arising from your unstable emotions.Look out for problems related to your stomach, intestines, hands and legs.

Dragon: Born 1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000

The Dragon plays lone ranger this year.You may find that you are fighting the war alone most of the time this year.You need to work very hard in order to succeed.A lot of own effort is required for you to reach your goals.

This year's theme will be travel,change and being busy. The busier you are,the better your luck cycle will be this year.You are likely to clear up a mess someone left behind.This is an opportunity to show your abilities.It may look tough on the surface,but you will prevail.

In terms of health,due to stress,you are likely to lose your temper easily.You must try to relax yourself.Be wary of injuries related to your limbs.

Snake: Born 1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

The Snake's good fortune continues this year.With 4 favorable stars in your sign,you have plenty going for you this year.Career wise,you will be making considerable progress.Most likely,you may find yourself gaining power.

The flip side is to look out for vile characters around you.Someone who is jealous of your success may be spreading rumors about you.Look out for back stabbers.

For your health,you are likely to stressed out due to work and dealing with back stabbers.Be wary of gaining wealth and losing health.Strike a balance between earning money and caring for your health.Try to be tolerant towards others.

Horse: Born 1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002

The Horse's luck cycle is relatively stable this year.It will be a socially active year for you.Make use of this chance to get to know people who can help you advance in your career.

You might also find yourself getting interested in learning new things.It could be a new language or a new skill.Just go for it,as it will be easy for you to pick up new things this year.

Health may be a problem for you this year.Take precautions in the early part of the year by going for checkups.Be wary of unexpected accidents.

Sheep: Born 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003

The Sheep went through a lot of stress and trouble last year.The good news for you is that all the trouble is already history.This year, you have 4 favorable stars in your sign.

You will be in a good mood most of the time this year,due to the happiness star.Career wise,make sure you don't do any under counter business.Take the slow but sure path,you are highly likely to succeed.

Health wise,be wary of operations.Go for checkups regularly.Make sure you have enough sleep and eat the right foods.

Monkey: Born 1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004

The main theme for the Monkey this year is change and adaptability.Your sign is in direct conflict with the Tiger.This signifies change and some challenges.Be wary of nasty surprises.

The most important thing you need to do is to go with the flow.Don't get agitated if things don't work out your way.Keep calm and try to think of the best solution.No matter what,you must keep cool and not lose your temper.

If you lose any money,be happy.You are losing money to avoid misfortunes.Keep your eyes open for money making opportunities,but don't take short cuts.Never take unnecessary risks.

In terms of health,be wary of issues related to the lungs and limbs.Keep your cool when driving on the road to avoid accidents.

Rooster: Born 1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005

The Rooster's good fortune continues this year.In fact,you will be less stressed as compared to last year.You could let go of any worries or concerns you had last year.Your social circle will expand,you will meet people who will turn out to be great allies in your career.

Ideas are plentiful this year.You are at your most creative period.Make use of this opportunity to turn ideas into profit.

Health may be a problem for you this year.Look out for illnesses related to the lungs, limbs and respiratory system.Do exercise more to keep yourself fit.

Dog: Born 1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006

The Dog's career luck continues to be favorable this year, but with more stress.You need to network more this year,to find allies to assist you.Adaptability is a must as you might be overwhelmed with sudden changes in plans.

There will be vile characters around you who will sabotage your progress.Be wary of them.Whether you succeed or fail will depends on your personal relations.Try to make friends instead of enemies and you will be able to tide through.

You have a clean bill of health this year.Everything is stable for you,just have ample rest and don't stress yourself unnecessarily.

Pig: Born 1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007

Last year was a challenging year for the Pig.This year, you can look forward to more romance and more progress in your career.You might want to start up a new business or form partnerships.

You can take bold creative actions in your career, and they are likely to work out successfully for you.You probably will meet allies of the opposite sex who will assist you in your career.

Health wise,women's health may be an issue this year.For men,be wary of sudden accidents or trouble.Make sure you have ample rest.

I have come to the end of my article.I wish you all the best in the Metal Tiger year.If you can't remember anything in the article,just remember this:No matter how bad things seem to be,just remember to be grateful for what you have and count your blessings.In that way,you can attract more good luck.

Good luck to you.

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

Basing on the Season You Were Born In,What Does 2010 Hold for You?

Before I begin the forecast,I need you to identify which of the 5 groups do you belong to.Once you identify the group you belong to,then you can easily determine your luck cycle for this year.

If you were born between 4th February to 4th April,you belong to the Spring Wood group.The Summer Fire group your group,if you were born between 6th May to 6th July.Next,you belong to the Autumn Metal group,if you were born between 8th August to 7th October.The fourth group is the Winter Water group.If you belong to this group,then you must be born between 7th December to 5th January.

Last but not least,it is the Earth group.The Earth group are people born in the 4 Earth months,which are as follows,6th January to 3rd February,5th April to 5th May,7th July to 7th August and lastly,8th October to 7th November.Which group do you belong to?

Let's start with the Spring Wood group.If you belong to the Spring Wood group,you have a surplus of Wood in your birth chart.Wood is your unfavorable element,while Metal is your favorable element.2010 is the year of Metal Tiger.It is a combination of Metal and Wood (Tiger represents Wood).In general,the Spring Wood group's luck cycle would be average,as both your favorable and unfavorable element are present.

Among the Spring Wood group,those with the best luck cycle are people born on Wood days and Water days.If you were born on a Fire or Metal day,you luck cycle is average.Those at the bottom of the scale are people born on Earth days.Both Metal and Wood deplete Earth.

If you belong to the Spring Wood group and born on an Earth day,you need to increase the effect of Fire in your daily life in order to improve your luck cycle.Eating more chocolate and drinking more coffee helps to boost Fire.

Next is the Summer Fire group.If you belong to this group,you have a surplus of Fire in your birth chart.Fire is unfavorable to you,while Water is favorable to you.Your luck cycle this year is also considered average.Although Metal strengthens Water,but Wood strengthens Fire.

Among the Summer Fire group,those with the best luck cycle are people born on Earth days.Earth people born in Summer need to dilute their strong element.Both Wood and Fire are favorable to them.Donald Trump belongs to this category.He should be having a great year ahead.

The next best are those born on Fire,Water and Metal days.For each of this group,out of the 2 elements,only 1 is favorable to them.

Those at the bottom of the scale are people born on Wood days.Wood people born in Summer desperately need Water to boost their luck.Both elements this year are unfavorable to them.If you belong to this group,you need to increase the effect of Water in your daily life to improve your luck cycle this year.To increase Water,eat more fish,drink more Water and wear more Blue or Black clothing.

Thirdly,we have the Autumn Metal group.If you belong to this group,you have a surplus of Metal in your birth chart.You favorable element is Wood while your unfavorable element is Metal.This year,you have 1 favorable element and 1 unfavorable element.

Among the Autumn Metal group,those born on Earth days will have a very challenging year ahead.As your personal element is already weak.With 2 unfavorable elements,it makes things worse.In order for you to improve your luck cycle,you need to increase the effect of Fire in your daily life.Besides eating chocolate and drinking coffee,you can also wear more Purple,Red and Orange clothing.

Other methods include eating more spicy food,BBQ food,spending more time in front of the computer and spending more time driving a red car.

Those born on Wood,Water and Fire days will belong to the average group.The group with the best luck cycle are those born on Metal days.

Next is the Winter Water group.If you belong to this group,your favorable element is Fire while Water is unfavorable to you.Among the 5 element groups,your luck cycle is the second best.Metal produces Water and Water in turn produces Wood.This is a favorable cycle.

Those with the best luck cycle in this group are people born on Wood and Metal days.Metal strengthens Water and Water in turn strengthens your personal element.

The next best include those born on Water and Fire days.Out of the 2 elements,one of them is favorable to you while the other is unfavorable.

The last category are those born on Earth days.Earth people born in Winter have a weak personal element.You need to increase the effect of Fire in your daily life in order to improve your luck cycle.Besides all the methods listed above for the Earth people of other groups,you can also carry 9 chilies with you,travel to the South and spend more time in the Sun.

Finally,we have come to the Earth group.Before I begin,congratulations Earth group!Among the 5 groups,your luck cycle is the best for this year.You can look forward to a fruitful year ahead.

Now,let's look at the different elements within the Earth group.Those with the best luck cycle are people born on Earth,Metal and Fire days.If there's major project you need to carry out,this year is the best time to do it.You are likely to be successful.

The next best are those born on Wood days.Although your luck cycle may not be as good as those mentioned above,you are still among the top.You should make the best out of your good luck this year.

The last category are those born on Water days.Although you belong to the last category in the Earth group,you luck cycle is still very stable and therefore you don't need to increase the effect of any element.

I have come to the end of my article.I wish you a great year ahead!

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

How is Your Romance Luck for 2010,Basing On Elements?

It is the beginning of a new year.If you are seeking romance,is this new year going to bring you a new romance?Basing on the elements of the Metal Tiger year,are you one of the lucky people who will find love this year?

Before I begin,I need to explain to you how the elements work in terms of relationships.You can use the relationship of the 5 elements to determine your relationships.But for today,you will only look at romantic relationships.

In Chinese astrology,the element of the day you were born on is considered your personal element.The relationship between your personal element and other elements determine the quality of your relationships in life.Favorable elements means relationships in that area is favorable.

I wonder if you have noticed this,some people are closer to their dads than to their mums,while others are closer to their mums.There are also cases where people are closer to their friends and siblings than to their children and spouse.Have you ever wondered why?

It all boils down to favorable and unfavorable element.In terms of romance luck,if the element representing your spouse is favorable,you marriage or relationship will be quite smooth sailing.If it represents your unfavorable element,you might find yourself drifting from relationship to relationship.If that's the case,then you need to choose someone who is highly compatible with you in order to minimize the effects of the unfavorable element.

So how do you determine whether your romance luck is favorable or not?

It is different for men and women.Let's start with the ladies first.For ladies,the element which destroys your personal element represents your husband/lover.Example,if you were born on a Wood day,Metal represents your husband/lover.If Metal is favorable to you,then your marriage or relationship will be smooth sailing.If it is not,you might find yourself in many problematic relationships.

For men,the element which your personal element destroys represent your wife/lover.Using the same example above,if you were born on a Wood day,Earth represents your wife/lover.Using the examples above,who are the people romantically affected this year?The 2 elements for this year are Metal and Wood.Therefore...

Women born on Wood and Earth days and men born on Fire and Metal days.People born on these 4 days will be romantically affected this year.Question is whether it is favorable or unfavorable.Let's start with the Wood ladies first.

Those born between 8th November to 5th January and 4th February to 4th April,on Wood days will have very favorable romance luck this year.The next best will be those born between 6th January to 3rd February,5th April to 5th May,7th July to 7th August and 8th October to 7th November.The third category will be those born between 6th May to 6th July.The last category will be those born between 8th August to 7th October.

If you belong to the last 2 categories,there are a few ways to improve your romance luck.Firstly,ask your mum or friends to introduce guys to you.Secondly,you need to boost your personal element (Wood) to improve your romance luck.

How do you boost or strengthen your Wood element?It is simple.Simply wear more Green,spend more time at the bookshop or library,travel East or eat more vegetarian food.It is also possible that you might meet Mr Right while boosting your Wood element.

Next,I'll move on to women born on Earth days.If you were born on an Earth day,your birthday falling within 6th January to 3rd February,5th April to 5th May,7th July to 7th August,8th October to 7th November and 6th May to 6th July,you have the best romance luck this year.

On the flip side,those born between 4th February to 4th April,8th August to 7th October and 8th November to 5th January will need to improve their romance luck.You can do that by strengthening your personal element (Earth).In order to do that,you can do the following...

Eat more chocolate,travel South,wear more Red,Purple and Orange.You might want to look for your Mr Right online,as using the computer represents strengthening Fire.Drinking coffee,eating spicy food,BBQ and steamboat also helps.

Now,it is time for the men.Let's start with men born on Fire days.If you were born on a Fire day between 4th February to 4th April and 6th May to 6th July,you can look forward to a romantic year ahead.On the flip side,if you were born between 8th August to 7th October,8th November to 5th January,6th January to 3rd February,5th April to 5th May,7th July to 7th August and 8th October to 7th November,you need to strengthen your personal element.

In order to strengthen Fire,you can follow the list of activities above for the Earth women.

Next,the men born on Metal days.Among this group,those with the best romance luck are those born between 8th August to 7th October,6th January to 3rd February,5th April to 5th May,7th July to 7th August and 8th October to 7th November.Congratulations if you belong to any of the above categories.

For those born between 4th February to 4th April,6th May to 6th July and 8th November to 5th January,you need to strengthen Metal in order to improve your romance luck.You can do the following activities to increase Metal...

Eat more vanilla ice cream,drink more milk,eat more steamed chicken,travel West,wear more White,Gray and Silver.If you are visiting a snowing place or hospital,you might meet Miss Right there.

I have come to the end.I wish you a romantic 2010 ahead!

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