Monday, August 16, 2010

How to Easily Determine Your Health And Wealth Luck Every Year Without An Astrologer

Health and wealth is very important to most of us. Those with plenty of wealth will want to have good health, while those with plenty of health want to get wealthy. What I am about to show you, is a very simple way of determining your health and wealth luck for every year.

And even better still, if it isn't what you expect, you can improve it. To top it all off, it doesn't matter which sign or horoscope you were born under. Anyone can use this knowledge to create better health and wealth luck for themselves.

If you are wondering is it something to do with Feng Shui instead of 8 characters, the answer is yes. In fact, you will be using Flying Star Feng Shui to achieve this. In order to create more health and wealth for yourself, you need to know a little about the 9 flying stars. Due to the lack of space here, I will only touch on whether they are favorable or unfavorable.

If you are interested in more in-depth information about the 9 flying stars, please visit my website and get your complimentary copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck". Right now, let's begin with the 9 Flying Stars. Here they are. . .

1-White is favorable.
2-Black is unfavorable.
3-Jade is unfavorable.
4-Green is favorable.
5-Yellow is unfavorable.
6-White is favorable.
7-Red is unfavorable.
8-White is favorable.
9-Purple is favorable.

With the above information in your hands, you need to determine the positions of each star for each year. For illustration purposes, I will use 2010 and 2011 as examples. For 2010, the positions are as follows. . .

1-White is located in the West.
6-White is located in the East.
9-Purple is located in the North West.
7-Red is located in the South East.
4-Green is located in the North.
3-Jade is located in the South.
2-Black is located in the North East.
5-Yellow is located in the South West.

We will go through the 2010 positions first, and how to apply them to your daily life. Once we finish up this part, then I will list out the 2011 positions for you. If you noticed, I have "jumbled" up the numbers. Instead of going from 1 to 9, I am jumping around. Not only that, 8-White is missing.

Let me explain. . .

In Feng Shui, there is a Sitting Direction and the Facing Direction. The Facing Direction is where you face, the Sitting Direction is the exact opposite direction of the Facing Direction. Now, I can hear you asking, isn't it enough to just know about the Facing Direction?Why bother about the facing direction?

Pay attention to this:The Facing Direction determines your Wealth Luck while the Sitting Direction determines your Health Luck. If you have forgotten anything else you read in this article, please remember this, as it is the most important piece of information in this entire article.

Now, let's move on to application. For year 2010 if your facing Direction is West, Sitting Direction is East, both Health and Wealth will be favorable, as the stars located in both East and West sectors are favorable. Next, if you are facing North West, your Wealth will be great, but Health will be unfavorable, as your sitting direction is South East.

If you face South East, then the effects will be reversed. Your Health will be good, Wealth will be bad. The worst direction to face is North East and South West, as you can see, the stars of both directions are unfavorable. For North and South, I will leave it to you to figure it out.

In summary, for 2010, the best directions are East and West. It doesn't matter whether you are Facing or Sitting, both stars are favorable. The worst directions and North East and South West, as both stars in those 2 directions are unfavorable. For North West, South East, North and South, you can only have either your health luck or wealth luck.

Remember, for 2010, you should face either East or West.

Now, let me list out the directions of the stars for 2011. . .

9-Purple is in the West.
5-Yellow is in the East.
8-White is in the North West.
6-White is in the South East.
3-Jade is in the North.
2-Black is in the South.
1-White is in the North East.
4-Green is in the South West.

I believe you don't need an astrologer to tell your health and wealth luck now. Luck creation is in your hands. I wish you health and wealth in the many years to come.

If you are interested in Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui,please visit my website at You can grab your FREE copy of "The Secret Handbook Of Creating Your Own Good Luck" and also your FREE monthly subscription to my Feng Shui E-Newsletter.

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