Monday, December 14, 2009

Does Mercury or Jupiter Dominate This Relationship?

The case study that you are about to see is a super compatible couple.They went through a lot to be together.Theirs was an inter-racial marriage,which was not allowed in the olden days.However,they overcame the odds and ended up together.

This time,instead of looking at the compatibility aspect,you will be looking at who is dominating the relationship.This is one of the few cases where a weaker planet dominates a stronger planet.Their information is as follows:

Husband's Date Of Birth:23rd October 1942
Wife's Date Of Birth:30th September 1942

Husband's Primary Number:2+3=5 (Mercury)
Husband's Secondary Number:2+3+10+1+9+4+2=31,3+1=4 (Uranus)

Wife's Primary Number:3+0=3 (Jupiter)
Wife's Secondary Number:30+9+1+9+4+2=55,5+5=10,1+0=1 (Sun)

From the above,you can see that husband's combination is 5 and 4,Mercury and Uranus,which is a very powerful and strong combination.Both Mercury and Uranus have domineering personalities.The wife's combination is 3 and 1,Jupiter and Sun.Between the 2 planets,Jupiter is less domineering as compared to Mercury.

At a glance,you will probably say that the husband is the one dominating the relationship.After all,his combination of Mercury and Uranus is stronger than his wife's combination of Sun and Jupiter.Right?Wrong.In this relationship,the wife is the dominating force.I was quite surprised to realize this,because Mercury personalities are very domineering and in control,whereas Jupiter is more submissive and easygoing.

So what is the problem here?

There is one thing which wasn't taken into consideration.Their Chinese 8 characters.Now,you will take a look at their Chinese 8 characters.

Husband's Chinese 8 characters:

Year Pillar:(Yang)Water Horse
Month Pillar:(Yang)Metal Dog
Day Pillar:(Yin)Earth Rooster
Hour Pillar:Unknown

Wife's Chinese 8 characters:

Year Pillar:(Yang)Water Horse
Month Pillar:(Yin)Earth Rooster
Day Pillar:(Yang)Fire Dog
Hour Pillar:Unknown

Do you see the missing piece of the puzzle here?Yes,it is the influence of the Day pillar.The wife was born under the influence of a Yang pillar while the husband was born under the influence of an Yin pillar.So you next question might be,what is Yin and Yang and what are their differences?

Yin represents the female energy while Yang represents the male energy.People born on Yin days tend to be more submissive and introverted,while those born on Yang days tend to be more aggressive and extroverted.

The morale of the story is that you need to check out the Yin and Yang elements of the day pillar besides checking the planets.Men,if you don't want to be dominated,don't marry a wife with a Yang element day pillar.Women,if you want to dominate your husband,marry someone with an Yin element day pillar.

If you are interested in more information about romance luck and Indian Numerology,please visit my website and claim your FREE copy of "X-Ray Numbers Miniature E-Book" and also your FREE subscription to my montly Romance Luck E-newsletter.

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